How Training the Trainers is Kingdom Multiplication

Hey guys,

Brent Engelman here with The Prophetic Training Online.  I’m sitting in my office with a video playing, Facebook open, my email “dinging” and my cell phone ringing (well, vibrating off the table).  Thank God for the coffee and water to keep me going.

Why all the excitement?  It’s pretty amazing.  Last night I did a webinar training for a small group of hungry people who wanted to better recognize the intimate voice of God.  Honestly, I’m still a bit groggy from only 5 hours of sleep.

TTT1I call this small group the MasterMind Group.  I’m simply training the trainers.  Now that sounds simple.  However, I pre-interviewed each person who registered for the MasterMind group for the Prophetic Training Online School.

Every person that joined the MasterMind Group had one KEY element in place that I was looking for.  What was it?  They all wanted to get equipped in order to equip others.  Pretty simple right?

I  have been doing LIVE webinar trainings for over 4 years now, with one of the largest online Prophetic Training audiences in the world.  I’ve had the privilege and honor of interviewing amazing men and women of God.  People like Todd Bentley, Joan Hunter, Larry Randolph and more.  Last night, everything changed.

Now I see the future of online training for ministry.  Taking a few hungry people and training them to equip others is powerful.  The kingdom is full of multiplication.  Jesus multiplies food, bread and fish.  He multiplies wine, His first miracle.  And mostly, Jesus multiplied Himself in 12 disciples who would go to transform the world.

Training the Trainers is not just a good idea, it’s the model Jesus gave us to advance His kingdom on earth.  So what’s next?  I can tell you that I’m already receiving messages to do another MasterMind group.  We had a cost of $297 for the 3 week school.  I understand that investments make things exclusive and prohibitive at times.

I’m working really hard to create a MasterMind Group for the masses.  One where the average person can easily afford and jump in with both feet and no reservations.  Look for it soon.

So, I’m teaching last night on the Foundations of the Prophetic.  I’ve taught in front of hundreds before.  However, the “pull” on the anointing was stronger with just four.  Why?  The hunger was one thing.  The other?  This group paid a price which in turn caused them to pay the ultimate price.  PAYING ATTENTION.

You could have heard a pin drop as the Holy Ghost moved mightily.  At one point the glory was so heavy, the students raised their hands and dipped their hands in what they described as electric-life-honey.  Sounds yummy huh?

Right now, raise your hands, or a hand.  I declare the same glory is upon you as your read this.  There is a new reality of the Kingdom of God, which is now “at hand”, according to Christ Jesus.  Now you are being filled with the goodness, revelation and light of Christ, who dwells in you.  The kingdom of God is truly at your hands, even at your fingertips.

Imagine being equipped by some of the world’s leading teachers, prophets, evangelists, apostles, and pastors all from your computer.  If you’re reading this on any device right now, you have the tools to succeed!  Wow…

10689636_835166796528267_973474270017300982_nOk…  I need your help.  What would it look like to get equipped in order to equip others to better recognize the intimate voice of God? If your desire matches up with this key element, then I want you to consider enrolling in the New Bern School of Supernatural Ministry Online or NBSSMO.

This is a 15 week online school with a weekly LIVE webinar that activates the supernatural in your life.

I’m working hard at getting this available to you.  For now, simply register and receive a FREE Video series.  I want to give you an incredible gift right now.  I want to give you for FREE, a 3 Video series on the “SEER REALM” , how to see in the unseen realm.

What are some of the guest teachers saying about NBSSMO?


Here is a LINK to register for this FREE Lesson as well as how you can register to win FREE Tuition to the New Bern School of Supernatural Ministry Online.

go to: and Register for your chance to win FREE Tuition to NBSSMO!

Training the trainers.  10676160_834612886583658_1062128219850424725_n

PS.  The NBSSMO is limited to 150 students.  We provide a one on one mentor for every online student during this course.  This is the maximum number we can manage with excellence.

We will inform you when Open Enrollment launches.  Once we reach the 150 students, we will close the 2014 enrollment.  Go now and register to be the first to “know” and get your FREE lesson on the See Realm.  Boom!

REGISTER for a chance to win FREE Tuition here.images

God is so good.  His mercy is powerful.  His grace amazes me.

Blessings to you all.

Brent Engelman


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